Indíquenos el caso al que usted cree pertenecer y mándenos alguna fotografía. Le responderemos con un diagnóstico preliminar y su PRECIO orientativo.

    Selecciona sexo:

    Selecciona su patrón de calvicie:

    Algunas fotografías nos serían muy útiles.




    Datos personales

    Por favor, cuando pulse “enviar” espere a que se le redirija a nuestra página de agradecimiento. Así estará seguro de que lo hemos recibido.

    Podría tardar un poquito en función del tamaño de las imágenes o la conexión.


    It must be delivered in writing and must specify the number of follicular units and the number of hairs (approximate) that are going to be implanted the day of the operation. It’s totally different to budget for 3,000 follicular units than for 3,000 hairs! The aesthetic results are completely different.

    And finally, the most important thing is that THEY OFFER A WRITTEN GUARANTEE OF RESULTS.

    In summary

    If all these requirements are not met, the surgery results are likely to be disastrous. In our hair implants blog we have a real testimony on this topic .

    There are hair institutes that are dedicated to selling products and/or collaborate with doctors who do not specialise in hair implants. They are dedicated to various aesthetic treatments (aesthetic medicine, hair removal, hair treatments, anti-obesity treatments, etc.). Thus, one should be wary of so-called ‘clinics’ in flats with an office, or those that don’t show photos on the website, or that force you to go to the doctor’s office to view them.